Sunday, August 7, 2011


   So, I think that I've had enough of--for lack of a better word--bullshit. I find it hard to believe that so many people have neither the courtesy or decency to treat other people like human beings.
   There are just sometimes when it feels like I'm carrying a million pound globe on my shoulders and my mind is tired and distraught. It never ceases to amaze me that there are just some people who see this, use it and push my buttons so hard I'm ready to punch them in the face!
   I am normally a nonviolent person and you would be hard pressed to catch me in a fight--they are beneath me--but sometimes, don't ya just feel like laying it on someone who possesses the exact traits you despise? Like people who grab your basket--the last basket--at the supermarket when you turned around to lift your child to put her into the little seat. Then you stupidly tell them that it is your basket and what do they say? "Does it have your name written on it?" REALLY?!?! THAT'S  the extent of your reasoning? You see me struggling to lift a 35 pound child into a basket and you have the guts to steal it?
   Or, take a parking space...We've all had this happen.
   You waited 10 minutes for the douche bag in the space to finally drag their lazy butt out of the way and what happens? Some OTHER douche bag comes along and cuts in front of you, thus stealing the parking space you waited 10 minutes for while dealing with screaming children complaining that it's taking too long!
   Okay, so maybe I'm oversensitive. But how hard is it to remember that we are all on this earth unit? And why do so many feel the need to make you look stupid?
   Not so long ago, I walked into a convenience store with a winning $5 lottery ticket and a 5 dollar bill to buy a pack of smokes. I lay the five dollars on the counter along with the ticket and tell the clerk what kind of cigarettes I want and that I want another ticket to replace the old one. That's when my cell rings. I answer it, and then tell the person I'm speaking with that I'll call back later all the while watching the clerk and what she's doing. Meanwhile, she takes the five dollar bill to pay for the cigarettes thinking that it is the same five dollars she was supposed to pay me for the ticket but didn't. I tell her that I wanted another ticket with the winnings and that I wanted to pay the cigarettes with the cash, she hands me back the five she took from the counter and tells me that it is the winning  five, and that I owe her five bucks.
   This is where it gets...tricky.
   I calmly explain that she had used MY five to pay for the cigarettes and that she never gave me the cash for the winning ticket. The line behind me is getting longer as I try to rationalize that I did indeed have a five with me that she took to pay the damn smokes and she refused to believe it. HELLO!!! Then some idiot who wasn't there when I arrived at the store starts to say that he saw her lay the bill down and I turn to him and say "Yes...MY bill!"
   Then she proceeds to say that her manager can look at the video footage to prove it and I say okay. This is when she realized that she screwed up. Why would I wait until the line had shortened to prove that she was wrong unless she was? Oh and then she does the greatest thing in the world! "Just take it. I'll get the money out of my purse."
   So not only did she call me a liar, she embarrasses me by acting like the victim and says she'd pull her OWN money out to let me go with what I went into the store to purchase.
   Here is where I start to really lose it. I tell her "No, I don't want you to do that. Just go ahead and let these people pay, and I'll wait right over there so that your manager can look at the video footage."
   She just refuses, trying to look all innocent and make me look like a giant ass in front of a group of complete strangers...just to save face.
   I left for two reasons. One, my husband and kids were in the truck. Two, I knew she was wrong and had the mind to go back into the store to prove it. (My husband talked me out of it). I came back to the truck with no money and a ticket and pack of cigarettes. That's what makes sense. That's what was supposed to happen.
   I have and will not go into that store again. But I use this long, drawn out story to prove my point. People can be mean spirited for no reason at all and instead of saying, "okay, I'll be done in a moment and we'll sort this out," she instead chooses to embarrass me so that I am red-faced and fuming.
   Will people ever change? No, probably not. But I'd like to think that one day, we'll understand that we are in this together and that in order to make the world a better place, we just have to respect one another and not cigarette bash each other.
   My rant here is done.

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