Monday, March 14, 2011

First Dates

   Beginning early this morning, I started works on Gilly's first "real" date with Rob, the video game king of her dreams.
   Research has been fun, searching the net for the perfect dress to match her frame, shoes, make-up and even purse. To peek into her closet, you'd understand why this is such a big deal. Let's take a look, shall we?
    Left side of closet: jeans, jeans, jeans. Right side of closet: tee shirts, tee shirts, tee shirts. Are you getting the picture? Finding a dress for my tee shirt-and-jeans-clad girl, has been interesting.
   Imagine, if you will, a girl who has NEVER had a boyfriend, let alone gone out on a date. And when she meets an older guy, handsome to a fault, she now has that gushy, syrupy feeling of wanting to be a girl...of wanting to dress up and show him what she's really made of. It takes me back to first dates consisting of dinner and a movie. (I watched a lot of movies back in the day). I remember those days. I remember looking through the closet in earnest, trying to pick the perfect outfit (my closet had dresses) and making sure my hair was in place, then giving up because my bangs never stayed the way I wanted them to all of the time. And there I am, halfway decent with a voracious and idiotic grin on my face. (I had major fashion issues). Now, it is time for the date and the feel of their hand in yours, maybe a kiss or two at the end of the date.
   Since Gilly (pronounced Jilly) and Rob are already a couple, it makes the date more interesting. They've already experienced their first kiss, and boy was it something. However, I can add the moment she feels totally at peace with her new found girl power and I love the way he treats her: opening doors, placing his hand on the small of her back to lead her into a room. We forget these things when the world grows up for us. Things that make us feel young again and wish that maybe we had done things a little different. That we had gone out on more dates and experienced more first kisses.
   The other day, my friend and critique partner Jessica and I, spoke about YA novels and sex. Most of these novels (to be fair, not all) have the heroine consorting with a boy and either flirting with the idea of sex or just giving in to temptation and saying, "To hell with it." It bothers her that so many characters jump this decision so quickly. And to be fair, in my first book, they do have sex. But it takes years before they decide to do this and they are already in love. What happened to love? What's wrong with romance and wanting to feel special?
   Jessica's right. The first time they hold your hand, the first time they look into your eyes and smile with satisfaction is the sexiest part. The physical relationship can wait...for my characters at least.
   This is a LONG drawn out thought. Sorry. : )  But I am curious to know if there is anyone out there with a story about first dates. If you don't mind sharing, please e-mail me, Who knows? It may end up in one of my books.
   Until then, happy writing.


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